Update eagle pcb version
Update eagle pcb version



Which PCB Designing Software should you learn? Pads are normally silver in color and mostly in the shape of circle, oval or square. The pins of the component are mechanically supported and soldered on the pads. Less number of jumpers makes the design less complicated. Jumper: It is a wire to connect two pins or pads together. You can think of it as the PCB equivalent for wire. This path connects the lead of one component with another component. Trace: A continuous path of copper on a circuit board is known as Trace. DRC is used to check our PCB design and to make sure the design does not contain errors such as traces that incorrectly touch. Most commonly, white color is used.ĭRC: DRC stands for Design Rule Check. Generally, the silkscreen is in white, black, gray or yellow color. This layer adds letters, numbers, and symbols of component for better understating of PCB. Silkscreen: On the top of the solder mask layer, white silkscreen layer is applied. This layer is used to insulate the copper layer and helps the user to solder the component on correct places. Generally, this layer is green or red color. Solder mask: It is a layer on top of the copper layer. The most frequently used terms are explained below, there are still a lot left but we will cover them as we move forward with our tutorial The first step to learn PCB designing is to get familiar with the terminologies that are commonly used when designing a PCB. If you are a beginner to the world of PCBs then is it highly recommended to read the Basics of Printed Circuit Boards article to understand the stuff discussed in this tutorial series. This is a four part series, and in this first part we will brush up on our understanding of PCB and then learn about the Eagle CAD software, finally we will get it installed in our computer to be used in upcoming parts of this tutorial.


Hence, in this sequence of articles we will learn how to design PCB boards with Eagle Software. Hence is important for every engineer to learn PCB designing to design their own PCB boards for their circuits and applications. It is with the help of these PCBs we are able to build complex circuits in a smaller form factor. Today as we know Printed circuit boards (PCBs) are used to form the connection between multiple components and also to provide mechanical support for these components. For larger circuits, a greater number of components were used and it became very complicated and a tedious process to connect all component with a point to point wiring. Before the invention of PCBs, components were connected manually through the process of point to point wiring.

Update eagle pcb version